20 August 2017

Heritable property of William Duguid

Belonging to the Sequestrated Estate of WILLIAM DUGUID,
Manufacturer in Aberdeen.

Upon Friday the 29th day of August curt. there will be exposed to sale by public roup, within the house of George Ronald, Vintner in Aberdeen, betwixt the hours of six and seven afternoon,

THAT TENEMENT on the north side of Woolmanhill of Aberdeen, opposite the Infirmary, and presently possessed by the said William Duguid, and others; - and that PIECE of GROUND, near Broadford, on the south side of the Inverury Turnpike Road, measuring 60 feet in front, and about 230 feet backwards.  The Ground is presently laid out as a Garden, is enclosed with good walls, and well stocked with Fruit-trees and Berry-bushes.

And upon Monday the first of September, there will be exposed to sale by public roup, within the house of William Smith, Vintner in Old Deer, at twelve o'clock noon, that DOUBLE-HOUSE in STEWARTFIELD, which sometime belonged to David Lundie, weaver, thereafter to William Hutchinson, Merchant there.

Also, a BUILDING LEASE entered into between Mr Alex. Galen, as Factor on the Entailed Estate of Dens, and Mr George Cruden, Schoolmaster, with the Houses erected on the Building Stance thereby Let; and the REMAINDER of the LEASE of a PIECE of GROUND at KNOCK, Let by Mr Buchan of Auchmacoy, to George Reidford, of which there are two years to run after Martinmas next.

The Properties in Aberdeen will be shewn to intending purchasers by the said William Duguid; and those at Stewartfield and Knock, by the said William Hutchinson.

For further particulars, apply to Alex. Webster, Advocate in Aberdeen, Trustee on the said Sequestrated Estate, in whose hands are the Title-deeds of the above Properties.

Published in the Aberdeen Journal, Wednesday 20th August 1817.

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